Math III

Math III

Age Level: Grades 6, 7, 8. Location: South View Middle School, Room 130 (look for entrance #4, enter the right set of doors there). Instructor: Jolene Gleason

Math III is a full year of classes targeted to mathematically talented middle school students who want to challenge their problem solving skills. Math III is broken up into three sessions:

Fall: Introduction to Counting

The fall session is 10 weeks and focuses on enumerative combinatorics (combinations, permutations and more advanced counting techniques). The fall session begins in mid-September and runs until mid-December.

Winter: Introduction to Probability

In the winter we do another 10 weeks focusing on probability using the combinatoric skills from the fall session. The spring session starts in early January and runs until spring break.

Spring: Introduction to Number Theory

The spring session is only 6 weeks and focuses on number theory. The spring session starts after spring break and runs until mid-May.